3442 miles $6,170 in donations

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Thursday, May 6, 2010


Scoot, Bob and I kicked out of Kerrville at 9:30 .  It was a nice visit with Bob and Kathy.  Bob had flown helicopters in the Army around the world and in civilian life.  And like Bob in the bag, he is a great story teller.  Kathy was an Army nurse and now works at the local VA hospital.  Her passion is collecting uniforms and stories from  past military women.  Many of these former women soldiers she had cared for personally at the VA. She has a great little museum that she maintains with her own money and time at the VA hospital.  So if you have any female uniforms from the way past you can reach her at the VA hospital in Kerrville, TX. And if you ever pass by Kerrville be sure and stop in and see her museum.

                                        this did not come out well

I am starting to get worried. If it were not for the fact the money is going to the school, I would think my friends do not like me. Like  Ed and Jet, Bob and Kathy not only paid for me to get out of their town but out of their state. It is a long way to the Arizona border. Thank you Bob G. and Kathy!

Today was mostly riding to cover ground as there was little to see. The landscape for the first part of the journey was just mesquite and scrubs. I rolled into Eden about lunch time. While fueling up, I asked Barbie if there was a good place to go eat lunch. She made a few recommendations and I wound up at the Morocco CafĂ©. The food was ok but the highlight was getting all the latest news from the people in the booth next to me. I was surprised to find out the oil rig in the gulf had been torpedoed by a North Korean submarine that they had been given by the Russians and that the South Korean economy had come to a complete stop. Also, that under no circumstances should you take statin drugs as they are being distributed by the “death squads” to kill off older people. They knew that it was true because they had read it on the internet.

I left and headed up TX-87 to Big Spring, Tx. For about the last 35 miles there were wind turbines on both sides of the highway. There must have been hundreds of them. Rolled in to Big Springs, bought a big can of Fosters and called it a day.