3442 miles $6,170 in donations

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Monday, April 26, 2010

The weather is good and Scoot is ready, so I see no need to wait till the weekend.  So, I am packing up and gonna be out of here Wednesday I think.

I want to thank the people at St. Pete Scooter for the help getting everything ready to go.  Ron, the owner, and Jason, the mechanic, are fine people.  This past weekend they hosted a big open house and donated a scooter that was raffled off to raise money for our local Ronald McDonald House.

So what is this school Escuela Bilingue los Algarrobos? It started in 2007 when the people of the small fishing and tourist village of  Canoa, Ecuador asked Jim Byrd and others to help build a school that would offer better education for their children  This was the beginning of a growing project.  What was vacant land in 2007 now houses six classrooms and supporting buildings.